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Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country is a platform video game developed by Rare and originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System on November 21, 1994. It was the first Donkey Kong game not produced or directed by Shigeru Miyamoto, the character's original creator; instead, it was produced by Tim Stamper, although Miyamoto was still involved with the project.
Working on 'Donkey Kong Country', I was privileged to be working at the fore-front of video game graphics at that time. My main responsibilities were to produce the levels for the mine-cart ride and the industrial level's to the game. I also produced each of the front-end level maps for the game.
The graphics were produced using 'Alias- Power Animator', working on SGI Work Stations on Irises and Onyx computers. Scene were rendered either locally or sent to an SGI - Render farm.

Here are examples of the 'Donkey Kong Island' and of the Industrial Level of the game rendered using Alias software. Below you will see an example of the mine cart level.
Donkey Kong Country for the SNES, sold over 9 Million copies.