- Portfolio
Rare Limited

After successfully completing my M.A. at the 'National Centre for Computer Animation', at Bournemouth University. My first job was working for 'Rare Limited'.
Rare Ltd. is a British video game developer located in Twycross, Leicestershire, England. The company was established in 1985 by Ultimate Play the Game founders Tim and Chris Stamper. During its early years, Rare primarily concentrated on Nintendo Entertainment System games, creating successful titles such as Wizards & Warriors, Battletoads, and R.C. Pro-Am. In 1994, Rare became a Nintendo second-party developer and achieved great critical acclaim with their subsequent releases, which include Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, GoldenEye 007, Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day.
My first game title that I worked on at 'Rare Limited' was 'Donkey Kong Country' for Nintendo, on the SNES game console. 'Winky' the frog was my first character. 'Winky' was my art test and having successfully completed that work I was promoted to doing background levels for the game.
The levels that I worked on in 'Donkey Kong Country' were the Mine-cart and Industrial Level's in the game. I also created the front-end level maps along with Tim Stamper.

Rare had critical acclaim with producing 'Donkey Kong Country' in 1994 and won Game of the Year from 'EGM'. The success of DKC on the SNES lead to the sequal ' Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy Kong's Quest'.
Rare also received crucial acclaim for the release of Goldeneye on the N64 Nintendo console. Winning Game of the 1998 and receiving the first computer game BAFTA 1998.